Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday USA Curling Times Two

Not too many pictures from Sunday. We spent most of our time at the curling venue. The 9 am session was US versus Canada and the 7 pm session was US versus Sweden. Both games were tough losses for the ladies. It was our first night game, so it was nice to see the Olympic signage all lit up.

During the break we came back to our rental, where the landlords were gardening! I was so jealous. All the doors on the back of the house were open to the warm day and the sun was shining. Keith decided to take a 3 hour nap while I posted and surfed the web, and watched men's curling on Canadian TV.

After the last game we ended up downtown at a lovely establishment called the Sin Bin. It was actually a pretty nice sports bar where we enjoyed a little social hour and some appetizers. The waitress assured us the train would be open 24 hours, but she was definitely wrong. Our cramped cab ride home was hilarious! Keith sure loves to make friends with everyone so he was more than happy to ask our cab driver his life story. Falling into bed at 2:30 in the morning meant we definitely slept in on Monday. I'm scared to think of how I'm going to adjust to the time change once we get back into Wisconsin!

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