Friday, February 5, 2010

T-Minus 7 Days

Another week gone by of work and getting closer to our departure date. This weekend will be very busy with packing, washing clothes and getting any last minute items needed for our trip. Hopefully no major items have eluded our thoughts over the last couple of weeks.

Have to send a shout out to all the peeps curling in the Watermelon Open this weekend. Melissa and I wish we could participate this year but, too much to do for our vacation. Oh, have to give another woohoo! Melissa made a run back triple take out last night in the 8th end to secure the game. I had to help Randy Branton pick his jaw off the floor. LOL

I am really starting to feel the pre-vacation pressure already. Seems like it was month away yesterday. Guess it helps being busy at work and home to kind of take your mind off the stress a little.

I also want to say thanks to Pete and Debbie McCormick for taking time out there busy schedule to have dinner with Melissa and I on Monday night. It was really nice to see how well she is handling everything in front her. What a great ambassador for the sport!

Well, enough rambling for now. I will try and post soon.

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